Dry needling is a form of acupuncture where needles are inserted into trigger points in the muscles. Trigger points are painful taught palpable tension points in muscles commonly described by people as ‘knots’. Needling them causes a muscle fibre contraction after which the muscle relaxes.
The dry needling technique also stimulates blow flow into the area, and stimulates the brain to releases endomorphins, your own natural painkillers, thus having an analgesic effect.
Dry needling can be a little uncomfortable – you will feel a scratch as the needle goes through the skin and with the right needle stimulation you will feel a sensation of ache where the needle has been inserted – but it is not extremely painful or as bad as an injection or blood draw. The needle will then be stimulated which can increase the sensation of ache and also cause some minor muscle contractions.
It is not unusual to feel a little tender where the needles were inserted for about 24 hours after the session. This is quite normal and that sensation will pass.
Please note we have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Please respect our therapists and give them more than 24 hours notice if you need to change or cancel an appointment. All appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice or not attended will be charged the full appointment fee.
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